Associate professor
FCCS Associate Dean of Research
Telephone: 250-807-9369


Nancy Holmes writes both short fiction and poetry. She has published four collections of poetry, Valancy and the New World (Kalamalka Press, 1988), Down to the Golden Chersonese: Victorian Lady Travellers (Sono Nis, 1991), The Adultery Poems (Ronsdale, 2002) Mandorla (Ronsdale, 2005). Her poetry and fiction have recently been published in Room of One’s Own, Lichen, The Malahat Review, Matrix, Prairie Fire, Grain, The Harpweaver, A Room of One's Own and The Antigonish Review. She is the editor of Open Wide a Wilderness: Canadian Nature Poems (Wilfrid Laurier Univeristy Press, 2009). She teaches Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia Okanagan and has worked as an editor, writing instructor, and mother. She lives in Kelowna,British Columbia, where she co-edits the journal, Lake: A Journal of Arts and Environment with Sharon Thesen.