Associate professor
Director of Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning
Telephone: 604-822-6582


Stephen teaches in sustainable landscape planning, aesthetics, and visualization in the Faculty of Forestry and Landscape Architecture programme at UBC. He received a BA/MA in Agricultural and Forest Sciences at Oxford, a MSc. in Forestry at UBC, and a Ph.D. in Environmental Planning at UC. Berkeley. He directs the Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning (CALP), an interdisciplinary research group using perception-testing and immersive/interactive visualization to support public awareness and collaborative planning on sustainability issues. He has over 30 years experience in environmental assessment and public participation internationally. He has written or co-written two books on visual simulation, and co-edited Forests and Landscapes: Linking Ecology, Sustainability, and Aesthetics, Volume 6 in the IUFRO Research series. Current research interests lie in perceptions of climate change, the aesthetics of sustainability, and visualization theory and ethics.